
A huge thank you to all my supporters!

This page is to thank you all for your support. With your support you save lives and make this world a better place for stray animals. With your help I can provide food, vet care and all other things that are needed to give the animals at Usko’s Nest the best love and care to stay healthy and happy. 

Never underestimate the difference your donation makes, even if you think that you can only make a small contribution; your contribution is given with a big heart full of love for the animals and that is all that matters. 

Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ Dalida Kozlic

I am honoured that my rescue and legal work is recognised by Harmony Fund, Stichting Dierennood, Stichting Save a Stray and Stichting Dierenhulp, which are very dedicated and wonderful organisations that help thousands of animals all around the world.

Dalida Kozlic 

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